Thank you to all colleagues, volunteers, members and friends of the MCYS family

Today is my final day at MCYS. It has been an exciting and deeply fulfilling journey over 7 years. I have been most privileged to have the support of wonderful colleagues, volunteers and members in the ministry, statutory boards, and the various committees and councils, as well as all my friends on this page.
When I first arrived at MCYS in 2004, I quickly discovered that the staff of MCYS are strongly motivated by deeply held values and a keen sense of mission. Many have dedicated their entire professional lives to helping the needy and vulnerable, to build a resilient and cohesive society and to inspire young Singaporeans. I remain awed by their passion and dedication.
I have worked with thousands of volunteers in VWOs, youth organisations and sports associations who inspired me with their passion, boundless energy, creativity, compassion and an unassuming, quiet pride in Singapore. So much of MCYS work is led and implemented by volunteers and committed professionals. They represent the soul of everything good that we do.
What MCYS staff and volunteers do today will help determine the strength of our society and define who we are as a nation in the future. I will always be proud of the MCYS family and deeply grateful for the privilege of serving the people that we care so much about in our community.
It is time now to pass the MCYS baton. I do so with deep appreciation to every single member of the MCYS family. I have full confidence that the new team led by Chan Chun Sing, Halimah Yacob and Sam Tan will achieve so much more for MCYS in the future.
As I look forward to joining the team at MEWR, climate change, water security and environmental safety will be key issues. Many Singaporeans have a growing interest in environmental issues. They also want clean, safe, affordable and comfortable amenities, including good food at hawker centres. There will be many opportunities for public consultation and the formulation of innovative new solutions that can be pioneered in Singapore. Dr Yaacob Ibrahim has done an excellent job in MEWR, and there is much for me to learn and do. I hope you will continue to be part of this journey with me, and share your ideas on how we can continue to provide Singaporeans with a high quality living environment and to attain environmental sustainability in the long term.
Thank you all very much.